On Sunday I listened to the glorious “Hallelujah” chorus (I chose not to sing because I did not want to ruin it for everyone else.) As I was listening here are the images that flooded this disciple’s imagination:
Hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah
Angels are bursting onto the scene to catch a glimpse of this glorious moment. Their joy cannot be contained as they sing in amazement. They have to tell someone. The world must know. God has come to this earth. He has come to save His people. And He has come as a baby. Who could have ever expected this?
Hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah
The only words that fit their excitement and their need to worship: “Glory to God in the highest.” They keep singing and worshiping as they think: “What a God! What a King!”
King of kings forever and ever hallelujah hallelujah
Jesus walks back into the throne room for the first time since His journey to earth. He turns the corner and sees His Dad. He runs to Him and His Father meets Him half way. They embrace and shed tears of joy.
“I did it, Dad, I did it. We saved them. They can come home. I did it.”
The Father takes a step back and grabs Jesus’ shoulders and looks Him in the eye, “Yes you did, Son. I am so proud of You. You did it.”
The Father then grabs Jesus again, pulls Him closer, and embraces Him, “I missed you.”
And He shall reign for ever and ever
I am in the throne room of heaven. What a place. Words cannot describe what I see. We do not have words in our human language to describe this sort of beauty.
I am surrounded by saints. There are many happy, tearful reunions and wonderful introductions. We are all catching up with one another, when suddenly a trumpet is heard. It’s the sound of the arrival we have all been waiting for. Everyone turns to see the huge doors open to the throne room. There are multiple herald trumpets with vibrant flags. The King has arrived.
When Jesus walks in there is an eruption of sound. All of us burst out in song.
Hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah
What a joy it is to sing, not for singing’s sake but for love and awe. What I have in me cannot be suppressed. Worship must come out and comes out in song.
Hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah
He looks great. He looks regal, majestic. A King. The King.
King of kings forever and ever hallelujah hallelujah
and Lord of lords forever and ever hallelujah hallelujah
He strides up the royal steps toward the throne. His Father is watching Him and He is beaming. After an embrace from His Father, He sits on the throne. It is perfect, meant to be. The song gets louder.
And He shall reign
He shall reign
And he shall reign forever and ever
The Heavenly Kingdom has begun.
Hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah
This Advent, may you draw closer to our King and may you long for the unsurpassable joy of His return.
Thank you for your wonderful vision. It brought tears to my eyes. I have often seen similar visions as I have sung "Messiah" (both the Christmas and the Easter sections). God bless you.
ReplyDeleteYes, except that it hasn't happened yet. Most of the scriptures incorporated into "Messiah" are referring to Jesus's Second Coming, when he really will come as the conquering King of Kings, not as a baby in a manger. That is when "Every valley will be exalted, and every mountain and hill made low, the crooked straight, and the rough places plain."