Monday night, after we put the boys to bed, Christy and I sat in the kitchen. After a while we noticed the wind howling outside. The trees were shaking—it was really blowing. We then went online to figure out what the wind was like on Mount Washington. It was gusting up to 98 mph! (I love wild weather.) That is some wind!
Later, as I thought about the wind, I was drawn to some of the biblical stories where the people of God experienced the wind. I thought of the disciples in the boat when the wind and waves buffeted them. I imagined the scene when Elijah was in the cave waiting for the voice of God. I wondered how strong the wind was that God hurled at the boat that Jonah was on.
Mostly, though, I imagined the scene when the Israelites were on the shores of the Red Sea after leaving Egypt. Do you remember the story? The Israelites were given permission to leave Egypt by Pharaoh. Pharaoh had seen enough of God’s power. Yet he changed his mind right after the Israelites left. He pursued them with his army and was ready to annihilate them. With the Egyptian army on one side and the Red Sea the other, the Israelites thought they were left with just two options: run or fight. Both options seemed to lead to slaughter.
Then God gave them a third. He would save them in a way that no one ever would expect. He brought a strong east wind that split open the Red Sea. That is some wind!
I wonder if the Israelites’ perspective on wind changed after that. Instead of being scared by the wind, I think the wind reminded them of God’s salvation. The wind caused them to think of God’s greatness. The wind became a constant reminder of God and His activity in their lives.
Oh Lord, would you bring that same wind! Would you remind us of Your greatness, Your power, and Your saving love? Would you do it again, Lord? Yes, that is what I want, Lord. I want You, no, we need You, come again and revive Your great Name. Like Moses we pray, “Show us Your glory.”
I long for revival, don’t you. I long to see God’s greatness and power among us. I want to be able to tell stories to my grandchildren about how God came amongst us and did things they we never expected.
You know, I have to chuckle. A thought just came to me. My son loves to listen to the praise music that is played in Keith Jones Hall. He calls it BIG WIND. Worship and big wind—what a combination!
Yes, big wind, that is what we need, Lord. A wind sent by You that reveals Your salvation. That would be some wind! That would be BIG WIND!